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How Do Realtors® And Buyers Get My Phone Number When Listing Flat Fee MLS?

Realtors® will find your direct contact information when they are viewing your listing in your local MLS in the Realtor Remarks section. On our website,, Realtors® and buyers will find your phone number and contact information displayed on your listing. We also provide Realtors® with a convenient link allowing them a quicker access to your showing instructions.

Flat Fee MLS places the seller as the conduit for all calls and emails. Unlike a full-service listing where all calls are handled by the listing agent, with flat fee MLS the seller replaces the listing agent's roll as showing coordinator.

In, no seller contact information is permitted. Most buyer inquiries from come via email. For our SOLO clients, we direct them to call or contact you directly and give them your information. Our protocol for Self Rep: SOLO, Self Rep: SoloMAX and Represented PRO clients is to enter any buyer leads pertaining to one of our flat fee MLS properties into the appropriate seller's flat fee MLS account. In each account, we have a section called "buyer leads" which has a field for a name, phone number, email and showing time. Once this form is filled out, our system sends an email to the buyer with a link back to your listing on where your phone is displayed and also an email to the showing Realtor with confirmation of the showing if the property is vacant and under lockbox.

Buyers come to our site through numerous real estate websites including,, Zillow, Trulia, and our site