Important Notice on Working With Buyer's Agents

Tips to keep you informed:

Part of having a successful sale and reducing stress is being prepared for what lies ahead. Below is some very important info about dealing with agents, negotiations, title and closing.

Most of our sellers experience positive interactions with Realtors. However, from time to time, the occasional agent may violate the Realtor Code of Ethics or make statements that violate federal anti-trust laws.

In order to prepare you for that occasional unethical agent, here is some valuable info:

An agent could resent that you listed your home with a discount broker… They’re upset they didn’t get your 6% listing. (Boo hoo!) The fact that you are self-represented doesn’t give anyone the right to treat you with less respect than what is due. Do not let an agent be disrespectful! You are allowing them access to your home and that is not their right; it is a privilege. Most agents that whine a lot don’t sell homes… they’re too busy complaining! One might threaten that they want more commission or don’t want to pay our administration fee but in reality they will sell your home regardless of the compensation because buyers run the show, not agents.

Be watchful for agents who violate the law... Examples include:

Agents who manipulate to get more $$... While buyers’ agents prefer 3%, our sellers have been successful selling at anywhere from 1% to 3%. Whatever you choose to offer is fine. It’s entirely legal and ethical for an agent to respectfully argue or negotiate for a higher commission, but they must do so prior to showing the home. Refusal to show is a FREC violation. There is no “standard” commission. Buyer’s agents have the legal right to pre-negotiate a minimum fee they are willing to work for to work with their buyer. So, for example, if you are offering 2% and the buyer’s agent wants 3%, they can get their buyer to agree to pay the 1% difference.

You may be met with threats of not showing your home or attempts to negotiate a higher commission or they won’t show your home…This is a clear violation of Florida law. Ignore these agents (but report them to broker, Keith Gordon immediately). The buyer will find a way to see your home likely with that agent, or another agent or by themselves. Our sales statistics wouldn’t be so impressive if we weren’t successful selling homes OUR WAY!

The broker requests that you report any violations as mentioned herein. Forward any inappropriate emails or text messages to the broker. If things “sound wrong,” ask the agent to email to you for consideration and then forward to broker, Keith Gordon. He will pursue immediately with the agent’s broker.

A few things to remember:

If you have any questions about this information, call 877-232-9695.

Best of luck with your sale!