Change Listing Status

It is important for you to let us know of any changes to the status of your listing. These status changes need to be updated in the MLS so that everyone is kept current as to what is going on with your property. Below are options for status changes and a brief explanation of what each one means, and when you should select it.

Listing status is currently:


Your order is currently being processed by ADDvantage and cannot have its status changed. If you need to report a change, please contact us by clicking here.

Please fill out and submit the following information about your pending contract. This information is required before your status can be updated.

The following is required data per your listing agreement with and by the terms of the Multiple Listing Service, Broker must report pending sale data accurately in the MLS database within 48 hours. All pending sales data held by MLS is private. No other agents can view this data until the sale is closed. and its affiliates are ethically bound to hold this data in strict confidentiality and do not share this data with any other third parties, with the exception of the MLS.

Changing To:

How did you find the buyer?
Contract Date
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status after the contract is signed.
Expected Close Date
Contract Price
Type of Financing
Do you have contingencies on the contract such as financing, appraisal, inspections, sale of other home?
Contingencies(check all that apply)
Contingency Details
Contingencies Expire
Are you continuing to show/accepting backups until all contingencies are met?To continue to show and accept backup offers, you must have contingencies on the contract such as the ones listed above. If there are no contingencies, you will not be able to continue to show and/or accept back up offers.
Buyer's Agent Name
Buyer's Agent Company
Buyer's Agent Phone
Buyer's Agent Email
Buyer's Agent Commission(%)
Important! Negotiating a commission other than what is stated in the MLS requires our commission adjustment form to be signed by you and the buyer's agent. Click here to get form. Once signed, upload the form into Client Documents.
Buyer's Agent Commission($)
Important! Negotiating a commission other than what is stated in the MLS requires our commission adjustment form to be signed by you and the buyer's agent. Click here to get form. Once signed, upload the form into Client Documents.
Buyer's Name
Buyer's Phone
Buyer's Email
Title Company
Title Company Contact Person
Title Company Phone
Title Company Email
New Frontier Title logo
Click here to auto-fill New Frontier Title info to to hold escrow, purchase title policy, and close the transaction without leaving your office...our mobile closers come right to you, save time and no junk fees ever!
Upload Copy of Executed Contract:
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status after the contract is signed.

Please fill out and submit as much of the following information about your rental as possible. This information is required to change your status.

Contract Date
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status after the contract is signed.
Expected Lease Date
Lease Price/Month
Tenant Name
Tenant Agent Name
Tenant Agent Company
Tenant Agent Phone
Tenant Agent Email
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status after the contract is signed.

Property Sold

Please fill out and submit the following information about your closing. This information is required to change your status.

All data is required within 24 hours of closing to avoid a fine.

Closing Date
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status to Sold when the property has actually closed.
Sale Price
Type of Financing
Seller Concessions/contributions toward closing?
Seller concessions
Buyer's Agent Name
Buyer's Agent Company
Buyer's Agent Phone
Buyer's Agent Email
Buyer's Name
Title Company
Title Company Contact Person
Title Company Phone
Title Company Email
Upload a Copy of your closing statement
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status to Sold when the property has actually closed.

Please fill out and submit as much of the following information about your rental as possible. This information is required to change your status.

Contract Date
Leased Date
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status to Rented when the property has actually closed.
Lease Price/Month
Tenant Name
Tenant Agent Name
Tenant Agent Company
Tenant Agent Phone
Tenant Agent Email
ERROR! The date you have entered is in the future. You can only change your status to Rented when the property has actually closed.